
KBC has a congregational church structure where the Members have overall control on how the church is run and where many of the wider congregation are involved at different levels. Regular attendees at KBC who have been baptised as believers may apply to become Members. Each applicant is interviewed by two Members who report back verbally to the full membership at a Members Meeting and, if approved at the meeting, the individual is then invited to become a Member.

The Members appoint a leadership team to give spiritual, management and administrative leadership to the wider congregation. The post of Minister is currently vacant.


The Members delegate many day-to-day powers to the Deacons and they report back to the Members periodically. Some powers are reserved to the Members and in these cases the Members receive recommendations from the Deacons and the Members take decisions at the Annual General Meeting, the Half Yearly Business Meeting or an interim Members Meeting.

Demands on the Deacons in a busy church can be very heavy and they cannot carry out all the functions personally. Others in the congregation have an important part to play in supporting the leadership and providing encouragement where it is needed. There are many individuals and several groups involved in a wide range of tasks – some spiritual, some practical and some social – usually with a link Deacon acting as liaison. It is a good way to build relationships and get to know each other better. So, if you are part of the KBC fellowship already or coming to join us, you are encouraged to get involved.