Casey Construction are making good progress with the work in the inside. Scaffold and a platform to access the ceiling have been erected and the wall framing is being fitted.

The pit to take the new baptistry is almost ready and insulation is being fitted in the new timber framing.

During the works, opening out the old walls and floors, a number of problem areas have been found so floor joist ends and supports will need to be replaced. 130 years with no damp course has left its mark.

The wall at the stair and above the windows and porch have been found to be particularly damp so an investigation was made of the west facing gable.

Sadly there are so many open joints in the stone that the gable is going to have to be repointed.

The Cross and globe at the top of the gable have been found to be loose, so a new fixing pin will need to be fitted.

We didn’t anticipate these additional repairs, so your continued support and contributions are very much appreciated. If you would like to pledge a regular amount or make a donation, please email me at the address in the contact page. Gift Aid would also maximise your gift if you are a tax-payer. Details are on the form we will send.
Our thanks too, to Mr Casey and his staff for the excellent job they are doing on the renovation work.